Monday 12 miles, 1:20min, drills, Middlesex st.,strides, core with Doug Tuesday 12 miles,1:25, strides, downtown Lowell Wednesday 13 miles. Workout: 10k tempo with Nate. Rex and Ethan went 5k. This tempo was supposed to be at 3:20 each km with a little pick up at the end of it. I was very happy with this. Had a lot left at the tank, but did not want to make this a complete hammer fest. Splits: 3:20, 3:21, 3:20, 3:19, 3:18, 3:16, 3:17, 3:15, 3:11, 3:03. total time 32:44 w/ about 26 flat last 8k. Thursday AM 5 miles, 36min, river, drills Thursday PM 10 miles at the Whirlaway weekly run, 58min, drills Friday 10 miles, 70min, route 38south Saturda AM 8 miles. Workout: 8x400 w/ 100m rest, 400 rest after the 5th. I tried to cover the 100 meter rest at about 22-25 seconds. The 400 meter rest after the fifth one was covered in 1:40. Little rests makes this workout tricky. Splits: 65,66,68,68,68 (400 rest),67,68,68. Including the rests, the total distance was 4200m covered in 13:12, which i...