Monday June 21 5miles, 34min, grtc drills Tuesday June 22 5 miles, 35min, monster circuit, hurdles Wednesday June 23 AM- 8 miles, 60min, strides PM- grtc drills Thursday June 24 8 miles, 55min, strides Friday June 25 10miles, 65min, hurdles Saturday June 26 10 miles heartbreak hill, 65min (35/30) Sunday June 27 12 miles, 1:16min (40/36) 58 miles Someone once told me that everything you do, it only takes it 3 weeks to make it a habit or become used to it. It usually takes me about that same time to get in the summer training mode. I'm very excited to just be able to run. Nothing like battling the heat on solo runs and keeping the stubborn approach to getting fit. There is always a temptation to do summer road races is , especially now that I can accept cash prizes. My goal is to slowly build up my mileage to a point where I feel comfortable and I have the right amount of balance between hard and easy days. I'm going to hold up on sort of racing and follow the long term plans....