Feb 17 Monday - 5 miles + weights Feb 18 Tuesday- AM: 5 miles PM: 10 miles w/ 5x3min Uphill + ART Feb 19 Wednesday- AM: 5 miles + weights PM: 10 miles Feb 20 Thursday- 12 miles w/ 5 mile tempo (25:48) Feb 21 Friday- AM: 5 miles + weights PM: 10 miles + ART Feb 22 Saturday- 10 miles Feb 23 Sunday 15 miles w/ Jones 10 mile race (2nd 50:51) Total 87 miles Three weeks ago I told myself that if I could run sub 52 minutes at Jones, it would be a good start to marathon training. Even though I lost by 8 seconds (to Eric Ashe who just ran 65:01 Houston Half), I was very pleased with my effort. The course is very hilly and it was longest race I've done in 2 years! Overall this was a great week of training with a solid mix of workouts, weights and doubles. I'm looking forward to continuing to increase my mileage and put in the strength work that I need in order to get back to the marathon. I'm feeling the healthiest I've been in several months thanks to Dr. John Donovan, ...