After getting through the hamstring injury in October, I did 6 weeks of 80-90 miles w/ some easy workouts to keep my body fresh and back into regular training routine. I was able to run a 1:08 half marathon in China a few weeks ago, which I was very pleased with considering the short time and work put in. Now it is that time of the year to re-start the spring marathon training. I've decided to run Boston Marathon again in hopes that my knowledge, experience and home course advantage will lead me to an improvement performance. I've set 2 goals: (1) to improve my placing from 21st last year to top 15 and (2) to run under 2:18. I will be doing a bit more structured Canova type training since I have a lot more time than I did last year. Canova's training includes a base phase and a specific phase. Each phase has a 2-week cycle of workouts that gradually increase in distance. Each phase will be approximately 8-9 weeks long. I feel very optimistic about the months ahead consid...